Webinar: Three Barriers to Women’s Progression – What organisations can do

Wednesday 16th February, 2022 09:00 – 10:00 GMTVIEW RECORDING HERE

In the world of business, one of the most devastating long-term impacts from the Covid-19 pandemic has been on gender equality. We have seen recent momentum towards gender balance in leadership regress significantly. It is now estimated that the time it will take to close the gender gap has widened from an already depressing 99 years in 2020 to an alarming 135 years this year. Covid-19 has exacerbated and heightened the barriers that already existed to women’s progression in business.

Shape Talent have published our second edition of research on the Three Barriers to Women’s Progression, drawing on over 70 studies and our own in-depth qualitative study. We have examined what is preventing women from being represented equally at senior leadership levels, pinpointing the Societal, Organisational and Personal barriers that prevent gender equality.

The webinar covers:

  • Key research findings and what they mean for organisations in 2022 including dealing with the regressive impact of the pandemic on gender equality
  • The fundamentals of a successful gender equity strategy
  • Highly practical guidelines on how organisations can diagnose and address the barriers to gender equality

This webinar is designed to be of most value to senior leaders of large and complex multinationals, including CEOs, Chief Talent Officers, Chief Diversity Officers and other executive leaders.


The webinar was hosted by contributing authors to Shape Talent’s 2021 Three Barriers to Women’s Progression research:

Sharon Peake – Founder & CEO, Shape Talent 

Dr Priscila Pereira Law – Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Researcher and Coach 

Dr Rebecca Jones – Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Researcher and Coach 

If you’d like to arrange a tailored presentation for your team or organisation, get in touch:
Phone: +44 (0)7834 600 773 or Email: info@shapetalent.com