News / 16 Nov 2023 2 min

Sharon Peake, CEO & Founder of Shape Talent is named in the Global Diversity List 2023

Shape Talent Founder and CEO, Sharon Peake, has been named in the Senior Executives category on the Global Diversity List for 2023.

Established by The Guardian, the Global Diversity List commends individuals and corporate network groups who have demonstrated dedication and commitment to advancing diversity and inclusion.

Tipped as the ‘gold standard for diversity, globally, the Global Diversity list has honoured Sharon and Shape Talent for exemplary efforts in accelerating gender equality

Linda Riley, Founder, Global Diversity List says

“When we first produced the Global Diversity List in 2016 there were no others of its kind, and many people asked why we would need such a list. The answer: it is important to showcase and amplify the work being done to promote Diversity and Inclusion, as quite simply it inspires others. Diversity is not about who is the best; it is about sharing and being inclusive, encouraging others and setting the standard. Without the initiatives those on this list are implementing the world cannot continue its growth towards Equality for all.

The people and networks on the 2023 Global Diversity List represent a small cross-section of the huge number of people around the world who strive, day in and day out, to make workplaces somewhere employees are welcomed for who they are. Embracing a diverse and inclusive environment fosters a sense of belonging among employees, resulting in increased connections. Organisations that adopt Diversity and Inclusion practices realise significant benefits in terms of business results, innovation, and decision-making. It’s a win-win for everyone and deserves to be applauded.”

In response to the recognition, Sharon said,

“I was thrilled to discover that I have been named as one of 10 Senior Executives in the Global Diversity List 2023, which has been published today in The Guardian.

Even more thrilled to see that I am joined by two fantastic clients who have made the top Heads of Diversity List: Victoria Edwards of Lockton and Rubén Alejandro Ramírez of Syngenta Group (who I seem to recall was featured last year too)!

Congratulations to everyone who has made this list.”

Shape Talent’s foundational research into the Three Barriers to Women’s Progression has made a significant contribution to gender equity across organisations, society and in the personal lives of women around the world.

View the full list here: