White Papers / 23 Nov 2023 2 min

The Power of Group Coaching for Women

A white paper on the power of group coaching for women.

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The world over, women are under-represented in leadership roles, occupying an average of 25% of C-suite roles globally. Organisations are continually looking for impactful ways to redress the imbalance and build strong pipelines of gender diverse candidates.  

This white paper dives into our research on the transformative power of group coaching, in-depth insights and practical knowledge, showcasing how organisations can leverage group coaching to enable women to overcome barriers, build strong networks, and accelerate their careers.

About the authors

Professor Rebecca J Jones PhD CPsychol

Rebecca J Jones is a Professor in Coaching and Behavioural Change at Henley Business School, a Chartered Psychologist and Co-Founder of
The Inclusive Leadership Company. Her research interests lie in examining the factors that influence coaching effectiveness and her consultancy practice focuses on working with organisations to create diverse and inclusive workplaces using coaching and psychological theory and research to achieve sustained behaviour change. Rebecca is the author of the book ‘Coaching with Research in Mind’, host of ‘Coaching@Henley’ podcast, has published her research in globally renowned journals and has been cited in the FT, Forbes.com and People Management. She is also co-researcher in the latest update to the Shape Talent Three Barriers to Women’s Progression theoretical model, has co-authored papers on the experience of the menopause at work and group coaching for women, and is an experienced group coach.

Sharon Peake CPsychol

Sharon Peake is a gender equity expert, a Chartered Psychologist and coach, and the Founder and CEO of Shape Talent. Her research has identified the most significant barriers to women’s career progression and this, combined with her significant corporate experience, has informed the development of the methodology underpinning Shape Talent’s evidence-based solutions: the Three Barriers Model®. Shape Talent’s women’s acceleration programmes have benefited over 800 women, in over 40 countries and across six continents. Sharon is a keynote speaker and has been cited in the Guardian, Metro, Forbes.com, Psychologies magazine, People Management, UNLEASH, Business Leader, Business Reporter
and more.