Identifying barriers. Informing strategies. Delivering ROI.


Looking for a measurable return on your investment in diversity, while also accelerating gender equality? It’s time to do things differently.

Our Gender Equity Diagnostic identifies the real barriers to women's career progression in your organisation and highlights the intensity of those barriers for intersectional women. Customisable to suit your organisation's structure, scale, and geographic footprint, the Diagnostic gives you the insight and evidence you need to prioritise your investment and make a real difference.

Grounded in our proven Three Barriers methodology, the Diagnostic offers data that is relevant to women and presented in a way that engages your leadership to take action. The result? A C-suite informed, equipped, and empowered to achieve gender parity in leadership.

Our data-rich Diagnostic report helps you as a change leader understand both the areas of best practice, and areas of risk in your business.

Crucially, we never take our eyes off your prize.

We play back the results and co-develop recommendations with your leadership team. This will help you to ignite real allies to drive your gender equity agenda.

The business benefits of clarity:
understanding the barriers ALL your women face and making meaningful change.

Uncovering insights through our evidence-based Three Barriers methodology, we blend scientific rigour with real-world data from thousands of women. Our Gender Equity Diagnostic distils these insights and empowers leaders to identify obstacles, inform high-ROI strategies, and drive measurable, sustainable change.

  • Bridge the gap between women's lived career experiences in your business and your organisation's aspirations for them
  • Develop programmes for maximum impact by addressing the root causes of gender disparity
  • Spotlight hidden issues and high-risk areas to drive demonstrable, scalable and sustainable change
  • Leverage intersectional data analysis to identify under-represented groups and evaluate the true impact of your initiatives, ensuring no one is left behind
  • Accelerate gender equity with a targeted, cost-effective gender balance action plan
  • Tackle intersectional challenges head-on, addressing the unique needs of the diverse women you work with
  • Supercharge your leadership pipeline by retaining and advancing your high-potential women
  • Equip and empower your organisation’s Executive Committee to make informed decisions that drive lasting change and unlock the full potential of gender equity.
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Our approach – here’s how we do things differently

Our evidence shows that 82% of women face workplace barriers. It’s clear that diversity programmes that do things the same old way are not delivering. We offer a fresh perspective for understanding the problem combined with a targeted roadmap for meaningful, sustainable change. And a measurable return on your investment.

Here's how we do it

Our Gender Equity Diagnostic is delivered in four efficient phases, designed to provide maximum insights with minimal disruption:

1. Scope

  • Session with your Talent and EDI leaders to define parameters, data needs, and logistics

2. Gather

  • Distribute confidential employee questionnaires to agreed sample

3. Analyse

  • Process data analysis based on your specified variables

4. Report & Calibrate

  • Deliver detailed findings to project sponsor and key SMEs to calibrate findings and prepare for the engagement workshop

Engage your leaders to become real allies

  • Play back results and co-develop a high-level roadmap and accountability framework with your team.

All of this will give you the clarity you need to drive change from the top of your organisation.


It’s time to move from good intentions to real impact and get a return on your EDI investment.


A strategic approach to managing your organisational barriers

As identified in our Three Barriers model, women face disproportionate challenges to inclusion and the climb to senior positions. We offer a range of services to assist organisations in addressing these barriers. Our Gender Equity Strategy Review provides an objective assessment of the effectiveness of your gender equity strategy, along with recommendations and support to your Exco. The Three Barriers Debias Audit provides a detailed view of the biases that may be unconsciously embedded within policies and procedures. This is complemented by our Gender Equity Diagnostic, which pinpoints the barriers experienced by employees in different parts of the business.

Strategy Review

– How clear is your gender equity strategy?


– How does your employee experience vary by gender?

Debias Audit

– How gender inclusive are your policies and practices

Three Barriers Debias Audit

Dismantling barriers and disrupting gender biases

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Gender stereotypes and biases in organisations are often subtle and unconscious. Many workplaces inadvertently perpetuate outdated work norms that reinforce gender stereotypes, create an impossible double burden and disadvantage women. This means your female talent pool is being whittled down without you even being aware of it.

People processes, policies and systems may have been passed down for years without anyone looking critically at them and asking whether they are gender inclusive in their ability to attract, retain, promote and reward talent.

Organisations may not be aware of the simple, subtle and often quick changes they can make to their HR policies and practices that positively influence gender equality in the workforce.

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The Debias Audit provides a launchpad for serious gender equity transformation

The Debias Audit gives a clear view of hidden biases in the talent management lifecycle and clarifies where resources and effort should be allocated so that the greatest impact can be made in the short, medium and longer term.

This exercise demonstrates a clear commitment to identifying and addressing the less obvious, systemic barriers to gender equity, building credibility both inside and outside of the organisation. This is doubly powerful when coupled with the Gender Equity Diagnostic.

Having a clear plan of action, focused on the highest-impact barriers gives confidence and helps ensure engagement from leaders and other stakeholders across the organisations. This in turn helps build momentum. The Debias Audit is a powerful tool to help address the barriers that exist for women within the organisation.

Audit checklist

The Three Barriers Debias Audit provides a thorough review of processes, policies and culture to identify and disrupt gender biases in the talent management lifecycle:

• Job design

• Talent attraction

• Talent selection

• Onboarding

• Talent identification and performance management

• Promotion

• Development

• Reward

• Retention and engagement

• Separation and exit

• Culture and leadership

By examining policies and practices across all touchpoints of the employee lifecycle we identify bias and provide recommendations for improvement.

Please get in touch if you’d like to discuss our detailed audit criteria and engagement process.

ready to TACKLE BIAS?

Our Debias Audit is the perfect place to start