eBooks / 21 Jan 2025 2 min

Intersectionality eBook: A practical guide to creating an inclusive workplace

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As an EDI leader, Head of Talent or HR, or Chief People Officer – how equipped do you feel when it comes to understanding the intersectional barriers women in your organisation may be facing?

Women do not face workplace barriers equally. Did you know Black women are 32% more likely to leave their organisation within two years? Or that 64% of bisexual women face microaggressions, and disabled women experience the highest levels of career-limiting bias?

To achieve meaningful gender equity, we need to see inclusion through a new lens. Factors including but not limited to race, ethnicity, disability, age, and sexual orientation create unique challenges and opportunities for women. By designing workplace systems through the lens of intersectionality, we can ensure that programmes address the diverse, overlapping identities of employees and avoid perpetuating systemic inequalities.

Our eBook is your essential guide to understanding, recognising, and taking meaningful action to ensure your EDI strategy is truly inclusive of ALL women, leaving no one behind.

Inside, you’ll discover:

  • Why understanding intersecting inequalities is essential to meaningful gender equity.
  • How tackling intersecting systems of oppression is the first step to transforming systems.
  • Common misconceptions and challenges organisations face.
  • Actionable steps to inform, equip and empower you to design workplace systems that enable ALL women in your organisation to thrive.

You can also listen to our podcast on this topic

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