Breaking Barriers Women's Programmes

We offer a range of programmes, highly adaptable to the needs of each client, to help organisations accelerate women’s careers by addressing some of the key barriers they face.

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Develop authentic leadership identity

We hold space for women to identify and create their own authentic approach to leadership, creating a powerful environment with the quality thinking time to unlock their potential. All our programmes are designed to create a sense of community and peer support amongst women leaders, with a bias towards self-reflection and action rather than theory.

Our programmes benefit women moving into leadership roles, an identity transition that needs to be nurtured in the right environment. We support each woman in developing her own authentic leadership identity.

Ranging from 6-12 months, our programmes are designed to deliver learning in a supportive environment through a variety of formats, including workshops, individual coaching and Breaking Barriers Women's Coaching Circles. All our programme designs are based on what research tells us actually works, rather than on fads and trends.

We align a programme to the organisation’s specific goals, based on the learnings from the Define phase (Step 2), identifying the key barriers at play. Our programme topics can cover a wide range of learning areas, including:

  • Building your career vision
  • Defining your authentic leadership style
  • Enhancing leadership presence and impact
  • Finding equilibrium between work and home
  • Strategic networking
  • Navigating conflict, power and politics
  • Building confidence and overcoming imposter syndrome
  • Cultivating your personal brand

More than half our Breaking Barriers Women's Programme alumnae achieve a promotion within a year. In addition, women commonly tell us that their confidence, self-awareness and sense of community are dramatically increased. Strong internal networks are built, providing important scaffolding within an organisation, improving collaboration across the whole business.

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Enhance confidence

Time for Breaking Barriers

Learn more about our women’s programmes.


Breaking Barriers Coaching

We are one of the few consultancies to specialise in group coaching. Our Breaking Barriers Women’s Coaching is designed to contribute to the sustained development of women, with new capabilities embedded and transferred to real life experience.

Our coaching circles create an environment for participants to learn from and coach each other, building relationships and a sense of community. With group coaching for women, we stimulate important insights, self-knowledge and positive systemic changes. Importantly this also builds coaching capability that extends beyond our programmes, providing a greater return on investment for the organisation.

We provide a range of coaching solutions

Breaking Barriers Coaching

Breaking Barriers Coaching Circles

Aimed at small groups of women at a similar career level, allowing for an environment of exchange and trust building. This unique group coaching programme comes with the benefits of traditional executive coaching, but is able to reach a wider number of women in your organisation than traditional executive coaching allows for. This maximises the impact and your return on investment.

These sessions have a high coach-to-participant ratio. Two coaches are engaged with small groups of six to seven women who each take a turn in the ‘hotseat’, resulting in the group learning how to coach each other.

Contact us to find out more.


Executive coaching

Executive coaching

Bespoke individual sessions aimed at women navigating specific career challenges, allowing coaches to bring a variety of topics to the coaching. Targeted at women in leadership roles, coaching helps them to fulfil their potential and accelerate promotion readiness. Topics are defined by the participant, but common themes are authentic leadership, impact and presence, strategically using your network, managing difficult stakeholders and building confidence.

Contact us to find out more.


Maternity and Parental Transition Coaching

Maternity and Parental Transition Coaching

Aimed at those about to embark on, or returning from extended maternity and paternity leave, helping them get back up to speed quickly and confidently. Our programmes can be delivered to the individual or in a group coaching format – a more scalable option. We also offer a webinar series for managers to support maternity leavers and ensure successful return to work.

Contact us to find out more.


Job transition coaching

Job transition coaching

Our first 100 days coaching programme ensures a seamless transition for senior leaders starting a new role, helping coachees in defining the learning gaps and vision, establishing the key priorities, team building, securing quick wins and creating supporting alliances.

Contact us to find out more.



Learn about our Three Barriers Diagnostic Tool and our Gender Equity Consulting